
4 conseils pour stimuler la pousse des cheveux & régénérer son cuir chevelu
4 tips to stimulate hair growth & regenerate your scalp
Our poor scalps are often overlooked… If our hair lacks vitality, body or length, it’s usually because we aren’t getting to the root of the problem (pun intended!). In fact, the health of our hair is closely connected to the health...
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Quelle routine alimentaire adopter pour avoir des cheveux plus forts ?
What food routine should you adopt for stronger hair?
Fred, our hair guru, takes it a step further in his quest for the perfect hair. His mission ? Making your locks as beautiful inside as out. Because yes, having beautiful hair (making it stronger , stimulating its growth and having...
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Retrouver une chevelure saine après des vacances au soleil
Restoring healthy hair after a vacation in the sun
It's back from vacation, you spent your summer sipping cocktails on the beach, and made the most of your diving days. In short, a dream vacation that is good for body and mind! The only downside is that if you...
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Nos 3 conseils pour clarifier naturellement vos cheveux
Our 3 tips for naturally clarifying your hair
It’s unfortunately not a myth that, over time, a routine of chemical haircare products weighs down and weakens hair and makes it get greasy more quickly. Throw pollution and the sun into the mix and our hair definitely has something...
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4 super ingrédients naturels pour redonner la fibre à vos cheveux !
4 natural super ingredients to restore your hair fibre!
We’ve said it again and again… natural hair care is the best way to go if you want healthy hair! Their clean formulas don’t smother the fibre in silicones or parabens, and their natural ingredients allow it to soak up...
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3 bonnes raisons de passer sa routine capillaire au naturel
3 good reasons to switch to a natural haircare routine
“Natural products don’t work as well”, “natural hair care smells bad”... We’ve heard it all before! If you’re still having trouble telling fact from fiction when it comes to these common preconceptions, here are 3 REAL good reasons to go...
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Tout ce que vous ignorez sur les pellicules et démangeaisons du cuir chevelu...
Everything you don’t know about dandruff and itchy scalps
We’d rather not have to deal with an itchy, peeling scalp or flakes galore. We’re all for a bit of Christmas spirit, but no snow on our hair, please! While taking care of our hair is second nature, let’s not...
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UV et Cheveux : les 3 conséquences que vous ignorez
UV rays and hair: 3 effects you don’t know
Ah, summer! Terrace bars, swimming, sunbathing (and pre-dinner drinks!)… It’s the most eagerly awaited time of year – but it’s also sunburn season!We instinctively think about shielding our skin before stepping outside as we know the harmful effects of the...
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